Renting aiRdome Renting - Exclusive Event Tent

The pneumatic tents aiRdome75 and aiRblox75 have a ground aread of 75 m². The tents are made for short set-up and take-down times, resulting in high mobility. Applications such as Roadshows are the strengths of this tent system. The inflatable event tents create a pleasant atmosphere even for noise-sensitive applications such as congresses, talks, lectures and sales points.

Per­mis­si­on un­der buil­ding law not required in Germany
Size 10 m dia­me­ter x 5,9 m height
Weight 420 kg aiRdo­me, 20 kg Blo­wer, 30 kg ground nails
Packaging size 2 m x 0,90 m dia­me­ter aiRdo­me, 0,60 m x 0,60 m x 0,50 m Blo­wer
Se­t­up ti­me 1 hour
Man po­wer 4 peop­le to un­coil/coil up, 2 peop­le to set up and ta­ke down
Anchoring hard ground: wa­ter bal­last; soft ground: ground an­chors 0,80 m lenght
Po­wer sup­p­ly 230 V sing­le pha­se, 0,3 kw, in­ter­lo­cked by 16 A
Pro­duct in­for­ma­ti­on Groundplan and seating scheme aiRdome 75 (PDF)
Per­mis­si­on un­der buil­ding law not required in Germany
Size 8,6 m x 8,6m x 5,7 m height
Weight ca. 500 kg aiRblox, 20 kg blo­wer, 30 kg ground nails
Packaging size 2 m x 0,90 m diam­ter aiRblox, 0,60 m x 0,60 m x 0,50 m blo­wer
Se­t­up ti­me 1 hour
Man po­wer 4 peop­le to un­coil/coil up, 2 peop­le to set up and ta­ke down
Anchoring hard ground: wa­ter bal­last; soft ground: ground an­chors 0,80 m lenght
Po­wer sup­p­ly 230 V sing­le pha­se, 0,3 kw, in­ter­lo­cked by 16 A
aiRdome 75
aiRblox 75
aiRdome Outdoor Event
aiRdome Messeeinsatz
aiRdome DJ zelt



    Simple logistics

    Clever modular concept, small packaging size and weight


    Short set-up time

    Ideal for Roadshows and tight schedules


    Flexible Branding

    On the entire surface of the tent (in- and outside)


    Excellent Acoustics

    Predestined for Music events and talks


    Double-walled Construction

    Excellent temperature insolation, no condensation on the membranes



    Silenced high quality blowers and welded tarpaulin


    Invisible anchoring

    Anchoring ballast is integrated into the tents wall


The inflatable tents are secured against power-failures and other malfunctions. A UPS (uninterrupted power supply) provides power to the blower and other equipment in case of a power failure. A signaling unit notifies a technician via SMS. All components comply with our own high quality standards and applicable laws and regulations.


We offer additional accessories for the aiRblox and aiRdome tents such as floors and heating units for rent as well.


We will help you with any questions you might have. Don't hesitate to contact us: +49-4346-4917. Or send us an E-Mail using the contact form on this page.

aiRdome lease price

(open tent without sealing hull)
1st day: 1000,00 EUR**
all following days500,00 EUR**
(closed tent with sealing hull and glass door)
1st day 1200,00 EUR**
all following days 600,00 EUR**
Floor 1st day 200,00 EUR**
all following days 100,00 EUR**
Heating unit 25,00 € / day**
Lighting system with DMX controller and mixer 300,00 € / day**

** net prices, excluding vat., transportation and staff costs. Please contact us for a detailed quotation fitting your requirements.